Woke Waves Magazine
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December 9, 2024 1:49 AM
⚡ Quick Vibes
  • Recognize the signs you’re masking your authentic self, like people-pleasing or hiding your opinions.
  • Take small steps to unmask, like setting boundaries, sharing your passions, and embracing imperfections.
  • Living authentically allows deeper connections and greater self-confidence—start your journey today!

Your True Self is Calling—Are You Listening?

Okay, confession time: I used to be the queen of pretending. I’d laugh at jokes that weren’t funny, agree to plans I had zero interest in, and bite my tongue to avoid “rocking the boat.” My life wasn’t fake exactly, but it felt… curated. Like I was auditioning for a role instead of just being myself.

And let me tell you, it was exhausting. It’s like carrying a backpack full of rocks—every smile you fake, every “yes” you don’t mean, adds another weight. Until one day, I hit a wall. I realized that the people in my life didn’t know me. They knew the version I thought they wanted, and that hit harder than a late-night existential crisis.

If any of this sounds like you, it’s time to take a deep breath and drop the act. Being real isn’t easy, but it’s the most freeing thing you’ll ever do. Let’s unmask, together.

Signs You’re Hiding Behind a Mask

Let’s be real—most of us have moments where we aren’t entirely ourselves. Whether it’s laughing at a joke that isn’t funny or saying “yes” to something we really don’t want to do, we slip into people-pleaser mode. But when those moments become a habit? That’s when you know you’re hiding behind a metaphorical mask.

Living behind a mask doesn’t make you fake; it makes you human. We all want to feel accepted and understood. But the more you hide your true self, the more exhausting and unfulfilling life becomes. Let’s break down some telltale signs you’re masking your authenticity and explore why we do it in the first place.

Signs You’re Hiding Behind a Mask

1. You’re a People-Pleasing Pro

If you’re constantly saying “yes” while mentally screaming “no,” this one’s for you. People-pleasing is one of the most common masks we wear. You agree with others just to avoid conflict or keep the peace, even when it means compromising your own needs. Over time, it’s easy to lose sight of what you actually want because you’re so focused on making everyone else happy.

Take a sec to ask yourself: Are you doing this for them, or for you? Being kind is important, but you shouldn’t have to sacrifice your authenticity to make others comfortable.

2. You’re Obsessed with Being Perfect

Everything you do has to look polished and effortless. From your perfectly curated Instagram feed to never letting anyone see you sweat, you’ve got the whole “flawless” act down.

Here’s the thing, though—perfection is a trap. Nobody’s life is 100% picture-perfect, and trying to pretend it is only adds pressure. Skipping the gym because you’re afraid of looking out of place or passing on a last-minute invite because you don’t have your best outfit ready? Those are signs your mask might be doing more harm than good.

3. You Keep Your Opinions to Yourself

You’ve got strong thoughts and ideas, but instead of voicing them, you just… don’t. Maybe it’s because you don’t want to “rock the boat” or you’re afraid of being judged. So, instead of speaking up, you just nod along like a human bobblehead.

Here’s your reminder: your opinions matter. When you hold back, you’re not just hiding what you think—you’re hiding a piece of who you are. And trust me, the world needs your unique perspective, even if it’s not the most popular opinion in the room.

4. You Feel Like a Chameleon

Around your artsy friends, you’re quoting Van Gogh and talking about the latest gallery opening. With your sporty crew, it’s all about last night’s game. It’s one thing to vibe with different groups and interests—that’s part of being a well-rounded human. But if you’re constantly shifting your personality to match the people you’re with, you might be losing touch with your authentic self.

Ask yourself: Are you sharing the real you, or just the version you think they want to see?

5. You’re Exhausted from Pretending

Let’s not sugarcoat it—pretending to be someone you’re not is draining. It’s like running a marathon every day, only instead of building stamina, you’re burning out. If you’re feeling mentally, emotionally, or even physically exhausted all the time, it might be because you’re spending too much energy maintaining a mask that doesn’t fit.

Your body and mind weren’t designed to live on “pretend” mode. When you’re real, you’ll find life feels a whole lot lighter.

Why We Wear the Mask

Let’s not beat ourselves up over this—wearing a mask is something we’ve all done, and it often comes from a place of love or fear.

  1. We Want to Fit In
    Humans are wired to want connection, and masks can feel like a way to blend in and avoid rejection. Whether it’s pretending to love a trending band or agreeing with someone just to avoid awkwardness, masks make us feel safe.
  2. We Fear Judgment
    Nobody wants to be labeled “too much” or “not enough.” Society low-key teaches us to be nice, stay humble, and not overshare. But sometimes, those lessons translate into hiding the parts of ourselves that feel too vulnerable or unconventional.
  3. We Crave Love and Acceptance
    Let’s face it: we all want to be loved for who we are. Ironically, though, hiding behind a mask only attracts people who love the idea of us—not the real deal.

Tips to Be Authentically YOU

Living authentically is like giving the world a front-row seat to who you truly are. Scary? Maybe. Worth it? Absolutely. But let’s be honest—being real doesn’t just happen overnight. It’s a process of unlearning the habits that make you hide behind a mask and replacing them with moments of honesty, self-love, and courage. Here’s how to start living your truth one step at a time.

Start Small: Be Honest in Safe Spaces

Authenticity doesn’t mean airing your deepest secrets to everyone you meet. Start with someone you trust—a bestie, sibling, or even that one friend who just gets you. Let them see the unfiltered, real you.

Maybe it’s admitting that you’re struggling with something or sharing a dream you’ve been too scared to say out loud. Yes, it might feel messy or awkward at first, but these small steps are how you build confidence in being yourself. The more you practice honesty in a safe space, the easier it becomes to carry that energy into other areas of your life.

Set Boundaries, Babe

Let’s talk about boundaries, because they are everything. Saying “no” isn’t selfish—it’s actually one of the most powerful forms of self-care. When you stop saying “yes” to things that drain you, you create room for the things that light you up.

Start small. Turn down that invite to an event you don’t want to go to. Say no to picking up extra work when you’re already swamped. The world won’t end, and guess what? You’ll feel so much lighter when you honor your own needs.

And saying “yes” to what feels good? That’s where the magic happens. When you start prioritizing the things that make you happy, you’ll naturally attract the people and opportunities that align with your authentic self.

Lean Into Your Passions

What are the things that make you lose track of time? Whether it’s anime, baking, thrifting, gaming, or photography, these are your passions. And they’re a huge part of what makes you, you.

Stop downplaying the things you love because you’re worried people might not “get it.” When you lean into your passions, you attract people who genuinely connect with you. Plus, sharing what you love makes life so much more fun.

Catch Yourself in the Act

You know those moments when you laugh at a joke you don’t actually find funny or agree with something just to avoid conflict? That’s your mask at work. Next time it happens, hit pause and ask yourself, “Am I being real right now?”

Catching yourself in the act isn’t about shaming yourself—it’s about awareness. Every time you notice your mask slipping on, you create an opportunity to make a different choice. Maybe that means gently disagreeing with a friend or admitting that you didn’t understand something instead of pretending you did. These small moments add up to a big shift toward authenticity.

Celebrate the Awkward, the Weird, and the Imperfect

Spoiler alert: Nobody is perfect. Not you, not me, not even that influencer with the seemingly flawless life. The real magic happens when you let people see your quirks, your flaws, and all the awkward in-between moments that make you human.

Think about it—how many of your favorite memories involve a moment when things didn’t go as planned? Life isn’t supposed to be a perfectly curated highlight reel. The more you embrace the imperfect parts of yourself, the more you’ll attract people who love you for you.

My Unmasking Journey

Let me keep it 100: I used to be so good at masking. I’d laugh at jokes I didn’t find funny, say “I’m fine” when I definitely wasn’t, and avoid sharing my dreams because they felt way too big—and I was terrified of being judged.

Then one day, it hit me: If people don’t like me for the real me, they’re not my people. So, I made a choice. I started saying what I really thought, even if my voice shook. I started admitting when I didn’t know something or when I needed help. And you know what? It felt freeing AF.

It wasn’t always easy, and there were definitely moments where I second-guessed myself. But every time I let my guard down and showed up as my authentic self, I felt lighter. I felt more me.

Why Being Real is Worth It

Being authentic doesn’t mean being loud or in-your-face; it means showing up as you are—messy, vulnerable, and real. The right people will love you for it. And the ones who don’t? They were never your tribe to begin with.

So, what’s one step you’ll take today to unmask and own your truth? Let’s start small and grow big together.

Stay true, stay bold, and stay YOU.

Stay connected for more raw truths and empowering vibes at Woke Waves Magazine.

#authenticity #selflove #beReal #mentalhealth #genz

Dec 9, 2024