⚡ Quick Vibes
  • Megalopolis was expected to be Coppola's next big hit but ended up as a massive flop, with IMDb users giving it a low 5.2/10 rating.
  • Audiences criticized the movie for its confusing plot, pretentious dialogue, and weak special effects.
  • Despite a few bright spots, like Adam Driver's performance, most viewers felt Megalopolis didn’t live up to its hype.

Megalopolis: A Cinematic Disaster? 10 Real Audience Reviews


After 40 years in the making, legendary filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola finally released Megalopolis, a movie intended to redefine epic cinema. But, to the surprise of many, what should have been a visionary masterpiece became a trainwreck of ambitions gone wrong. The film, which blends elements of science fiction, political drama, and ancient Roman themes, has polarized audiences and critics alike. Its Rotten Tomatoes score sits at a modest 49%, while IMDb users have rated it a 5.2/10, a far cry from the anticipated cinematic grandeur.

Fans rushed to theaters hoping for a return to the brilliance of The Godfather or Apocalypse Now. Instead, they were met with a confusing, pretentious, and visually disjointed movie that many described as unwatchable. IMDb is filled with real, raw reviews from audiences who left theaters shaking their heads. Some walked out, others stayed just to laugh, and a few found some twisted enjoyment in the chaos.

In this article, we’ve compiled ten of the most honest IMDb audience reviews. If you’re wondering whether Megalopolis is worth your time, these reviews will give you a clear picture of why many are now calling it “MegaFLOPolis.”

1. "The Movie Watching Experience Was Better Than the Movie Itself"

"0/10 movie, 10/10 watching experience. Megalopolis is a trainwreck, but one that brought my theater together. The plot is non-existent, the visuals all over the place, and yet we all laughed and suffered together. It’s ambitious but lacks any real direction."parksiet

2. "Coppola's Ambition Couldn't Save This One"

"I wanted to love this movie so badly. It’s Coppola, after all. But apart from Adam Driver’s excellent performance and some beautiful visuals, this film is a mess. The script feels pretentious, and nothing really ties together."* – Ernad_Fakic

3. "Painfully Self-Indulgent and Boring"

"I have nothing against passion projects, but this one is a nightmare. The dialogue is so over-the-top, and the CGI looks cheap. It’s not even fun in a ‘so-bad-it’s-good’ way—it’s just bad."codecode

4. "How Did We Go From The Godfather to This?"

"I can’t believe this is from the same man who made The Godfather. The acting is shockingly bad, and the script feels like a bad joke. Twenty minutes in, I knew something was off, and it just got worse."info-98490

5. "Walked Out After 40 Minutes—Not Worth My Time"

"I was really excited to see this, but after 40 minutes, I couldn’t take it anymore. The movie is just random scenes glued together with zero plot. I’d rather watch paint dry."srparkinson

6. "Some Visuals Were Great, But Everything Else? Not So Much"

"The cinematography is beautiful in parts, but the special effects are either brilliant or laughably bad. The plot makes no sense, but the Virgin Pledge sequence? Hilarious and pointless, but the best part."ghettoplex

7. "Coppola's Definition of 'Pretentious'"

"Megalopolis tries so hard to say something important, but it fails. The story falls apart halfway through, and what was supposed to be serious became laughable. Audiences were laughing at scenes meant to be dramatic."druss44121-1

8. "Only Movie I've Ever Walked Out On"

"I’ve seen a lot of bad films, but this is the first one I’ve walked out of. The acting is wooden, the story is all over the place, and the special effects look cheap. I couldn’t sit through the whole thing."rushimaguire

9. "Like The Room, But Without the Fun"

"This movie gave me big The Room vibes. The dialogue was laughably bad, and the acting felt so off, like no one knew what they were doing. It’s not even fun-bad like The Room—it’s just awkward."Davidh122397

10. "Expected More, Got a Hot Mess"

"I didn’t expect Megalopolis to be a perfect movie, but I definitely didn’t expect this disaster. The editing is chaotic, the acting is uneven, and the special effects look outdated. The concept is cool, but the execution? Not so much."lukebohn

Megalopolis was hyped as a return to Francis Ford Coppola’s unique cinematic style, but the reviews show that reality didn’t match the vision. Audiences are split between those who admire the film’s artistic ambition and those who felt it was an incoherent mess with little to offer beyond visual spectacle. Adam Driver’s performance, for many, was one of the few redeeming aspects, but even he couldn’t save the film from its own lack of direction.

IMDb users didn’t hold back in their criticisms, with complaints ranging from weak dialogue to confusing storytelling and lackluster special effects. For every person who enjoyed the film’s chaotic, dreamlike quality, there were five who felt it was just too much to handle. Ultimately, Megalopolis is the kind of movie that pushes boundaries—though not always in the right direction.

Whether you’re curious about Coppola’s latest or just want to know what went wrong, the truth is out there in these honest, unfiltered IMDb reviews. Proceed with caution if you decide to watch it—you might be in for a wild ride.

Stay tuned for more updates and honest reviews on cinema’s latest hits (and flops) at Woke Waves Magazine.

#Megalopolis #IMDbReviews #MovieDisaster #FrancisFordCoppola #CinematicMess

Sep 30, 2024