Woke Waves Magazine
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March 11, 2025 1:25 PM
⚡ Quick Vibes
  • Carrie Bradshaw was a style queen, but her messy decisions made for some of the most frustrating moments in Sex and the City.
  • From her selfishness in friendships to her toxic relationship choices, Carrie’s worst moments are unforgettable (for the wrong reasons).
  • Whether you love her or hate her, you definitely hate-watched these cringey SATC scenes.

[Cover Picture by HBO]

The Most Frustrating Carrie Bradshaw Moments, Ranked

Carrie Bradshaw: a style icon, a hopeless romantic, and sometimes... the absolute worst. Sex and the City gave us unforgettable fashion, friendships, and love stories—but it also gave us some of the most frustrating TV moments ever, courtesy of its main character. Whether it was her self-absorbed attitude, her poor relationship decisions, or her questionable treatment of her friends, Carrie was the queen of "girl, what are you doing?!" moments.

Here are the top 10 Carrie Bradshaw moments that had us yelling at our screens in frustration.

1. The Infamous Post-it Breakup Meltdown

Yes, getting dumped via Post-it is cold. But did Carrie really have to make everything about her for an entire episode? Instead of letting her friends celebrate Charlotte’s engagement, she guilt-tripped them into a wild night out to "forget" about Burger. She also used the Post-it as a free pass for reckless behavior—because apparently, one sticky note justifies breaking the law?

"See your Post-it and raise you a Get Out of Jail Free card!"

2. Inviting Big to Aiden’s Cabin

As if cheating on Aiden wasn’t bad enough, Carrie decided to push the drama even further. When Big called her in distress (after his girlfriend dumped him), she invited him to the romantic getaway she was having with Aiden. Aiden, who already had issues with her friendship with Big, was understandably furious. It all ended in a ridiculous mud fight between the two men, and honestly, no one deserved this nonsense—especially us, the viewers.

3. Ditching Miranda for Big

Carrie’s Big obsession wasn’t just bad for her—it was toxic for her friendships. Case in point: that time she ditched Miranda at dinner for a plate of veal and a night with Big. She left a home answering machine message as her only form of cancellation (hello, 1990s, ever heard of pagers?). When Miranda called her out for being self-absorbed, Carrie acted shocked, proving once again that she was the worst friend.

"Enjoy your veal!" – Miranda, serving sass and truth.

4. Guilt-Tripping Charlotte Into Giving Her Money

Carrie spent $40,000 on shoes and somehow expected sympathy when she couldn’t afford to buy her apartment from Aiden. Instead of acknowledging her financial irresponsibility, she shamed Charlotte for not offering to help her out. She even compared her financial crisis to Charlotte’s divorce—because, you know, those are totally the same thing. Eventually, Charlotte caved and offered her engagement ring as a loan, but let’s be real—she deserved better.

5. Crashing Big’s Church with His Mom

When Carrie found out that Big took his mom to church every Sunday, she demanded to join—despite him saying it was a private tradition. Not only did she ignore his boundaries, but she also embarrassed herself by making a scene and dropping a book mid-service. To make matters worse, she was offended when Big introduced her as "just a friend." Girl, maybe don’t ambush a mother-son bonding moment?

6. The Unapologetic Affair with Big

Carrie knew Big was married. She knew Aiden loved her. And yet, she still decided to have an affair with Big, sneaking around behind their partners’ backs. When Natasha, Big’s wife, inevitably caught them, Carrie tried to force an apology on her. The worst part? Natasha told her off, but Carrie still acted like she was the victim.

"Not only have you ruined my marriage, you’ve ruined my lunch." – Natasha, the real MVP.

7. Refusing Aiden's Help When Her Laptop Died

Carrie never backed up her work (seriously?!), and when her laptop crashed, she lost everything. But instead of accepting responsibility, she blamed Aiden for distracting her. When he generously bought her a new laptop, she refused to take it because she "wasn’t ready for a new computer"—a metaphor for her unwillingness to move on from Big. We get it, Carrie, but at least take the laptop!

8. Using Therapy as a Dating Service

Miranda encouraged Carrie to try therapy, which was actually a great idea—except Carrie only went because she met a cute guy in the waiting room. The moment things didn’t work out with him, she quit therapy altogether. Imagine the breakthroughs she could have had if she actually did the work? Instead, she learned nothing and continued making the same messy choices.

9. Mocking Her Bisexual Boyfriend

In one of the show’s most cringe-worthy moments, Carrie dismissed bisexuality as a "layover on the way to Gaytown." She spent the entire episode making tasteless jokes about her boyfriend’s sexuality, acting like it was some sort of red flag. If this storyline were written today, it would be rightfully canceled for being ignorant and offensive.

10. Constantly Being a Terrible Friend

If you need a single reason why we hate-watch Carrie, this is it. She repeatedly proved that she was the kind of friend who only showed up when it was convenient for her. Whether it was ignoring Samantha’s cancer battle, treating Miranda like a therapist instead of a friend, or making everything about her, Carrie was a walking red flag in friendship form.

Love Her or Hate Her?

Carrie Bradshaw gave us some of the most iconic fashion moments in TV history, but she also gave us some of the most frustrating character moments ever. Whether you adore her or can’t stand her, one thing’s for sure—she makes for some prime hate-watching material.

What’s your most infuriating Carrie moment? Sound off in the comments!

Stay tuned for more hot takes on your favorite (and most frustrating) TV characters, only on Woke Waves Magazine!

#SexAndTheCity #CarrieBradshaw #TVHateWatch #SATCDrama #MessyMainCharacters

Mar 11, 2025