Set in an alternate timeline just before Judgment Day in 1997, Terminator Zero follows Malcolm Lee, a scientist in Tokyo, as he develops Kokoro, an AI system that could rival Skynet. As the day of reckoning approaches, Malcolm and his three children find themselves hunted by a relentless Terminator sent back in time. But they aren’t alone—Eiko, a soldier from 2022, is sent by the Resistance to protect Malcolm and prevent Kokoro from ever launching. The series is a thrilling mix of action, time travel, and emotional stakes, focusing on family, survival, and the looming apocalypse.
Terminator Zero is a groundbreaking 2024 anime series set in the iconic Terminator universe. Developed by Mattson Tomlin and produced for Netflix, the series is animated by the renowned Production I.G. (Ghost in the Shell, Attack on Titan). This eight-episode series brings fresh energy to the Terminator saga, blending elements of Japanese anime with the intense action and sci-fi storytelling that the franchise is known for. With voice talents like André Holland, Sonoya Mizuno, and Timothy Olyphant, Terminator Zero offers a new take on the age-old battle between humans and machines.
The development of Terminator Zero was first announced in early 2021, generating excitement with its promise to explore the Terminator universe through the lens of Japanese anime. Skydance Television teamed up with Production I.G to create this visually stunning series, bringing on Mattson Tomlin as showrunner and Masashi Kudō as director.
The decision to set the series in Japan, a country with a deeply ingrained tech culture, adds a unique cultural layer to the story. As Tomlin noted, the Japanese setting allowed for a different approach to the Terminator mythos, including the challenge of civilian access to firearms, a stark contrast to the gun-heavy narratives of previous films.
The writing process was collaborative and ambitious. The scripts were initially written in English by Tomlin, translated into Japanese for animation, and then adapted back into English for dubbing. This ensured the dialogue fit seamlessly with the visuals.
At its core, Terminator Zero is about the intersection of human ingenuity and the dangers of unchecked technological advancement. Malcolm’s development of Kokoro represents humanity’s drive to innovate, but also its hubris. The series balances high-octane action scenes with deeper emotional narratives, particularly between Malcolm and his children, as they grapple with both a killer machine and the fallout of Malcolm’s work.
The Terminator itself is as relentless as ever, and its presence as a constant, nearly invincible threat adds palpable tension to every episode. But Terminator Zero also explores philosophical questions about AI, particularly through the character of Kokoro, whose motivations and role in the future may rival Skynet itself.
Upon its release on August 29, 2024—coinciding with the in-universe date of Judgment Day—Terminator Zero received positive reviews from both fans and critics. On Rotten Tomatoes, the series holds an impressive 86% approval rating, with reviewers praising its animation quality, intense action sequences, and fresh take on the Terminator saga. Metacritic’s score of 69/100 further reflects generally favorable reviews, with many noting the series’ unique blend of Western and Eastern storytelling elements.
Critics lauded the decision to set the series in Japan, noting how the change of scenery and cultural dynamics provided new avenues for storytelling. Timothy Olyphant’s portrayal of the Terminator was also a standout, bringing a cold yet menacing performance that paid homage to past portrayals while adding its own twist.
Terminator Zero is a bold new chapter in the Terminator franchise, breathing fresh life into the series through its anime format. The series manages to stay true to the franchise’s roots while offering new perspectives on AI, family, and the future of humanity. With a strong voice cast, sharp writing, and stellar animation, Terminator Zero is a must-watch for both longtime fans of the Terminator saga and newcomers alike.
As we approach Judgment Day, Terminator Zero asks: Is it possible to change the future, or is humanity doomed to repeat the same mistakes? Tune in on Netflix to find out.