âš¡ Quick Vibes
  • Discover the top brawlers in Brawl Stars with our 2024 tier list, ranked from S-tier champs to D-tier benchwarmers.
  • Get expert tips on which brawlers to use in specific game modes like Showdown, Gem Grab, and Brawl Ball.
  • Stay updated on recent balance changes and meta shifts that impact the best brawler picks.

Yo, Brawlers! Ready to level up your game and leave your opponents in the dust? Whether you're wrecking it in Showdown or scoring goals in Brawl Ball, picking the right brawler can be the difference between victory and a total wipeout. But with so many brawlers in Brawl Stars, how do you know which ones are worth your trophies? Don’t sweat it—I’m Sophie, your gaming guru at Woke Waves Magazine, and I’ve got the ultimate Brawl Stars tier list for 2024 right here. We’re talking about the best brawlers that will help you dominate every game mode and climb those leaderboards like a pro. From unstoppable S-tier champs to those C-tier brawlers you might want to bench, I’ve got all the deets you need. So grab your controller, gear up, and get ready to crush the competition with the best brawlers in the game!

S-Tier: The Absolute Best Brawlers in Brawl Stars

1. Chester
Chester stands out as one of the most versatile brawlers in Brawl Stars. With a kit that includes multiple supers, he can adapt to almost any situation. This unpredictability keeps opponents on their toes, as they never know which super he’ll pull out next. Chester’s ability to dominate in both offensive and defensive roles makes him invaluable in modes like Heist and Gem Grab. His wide range of abilities allows him to control the battlefield, take down enemies quickly, and provide crucial support to his team. This flexibility is what puts Chester firmly in the S-tier, making him a must-pick for players aiming to dominate.

Pro Move: Mastering Chester requires knowing when to use each super effectively. Practice switching between them based on your team’s needs and the enemy’s weaknesses to maximize your impact in matches.

2. Janet
Janet remains a powerhouse in Brawl Stars, consistently proving her worth in team-based modes like Brawl Ball and Gem Grab. Her high damage output, paired with her ability to control large areas, makes her a force to be reckoned with. Janet’s aerial Super is a game-changer, allowing her to soar above the battlefield, avoiding danger while raining down destruction. This ability to reposition while staying offensive is what makes Janet a top pick for players who want to carry their team to victory. She’s a well-rounded brawler who excels in both offensive and defensive plays, making her essential for any serious player.

Pro Move: Time your Super to escape tricky situations or to surprise enemies from above. Mastering when to fly can turn a losing battle into a winning one.

3. Sam
Sam is the go-to brawler for players who thrive on aggressive, in-your-face gameplay. His ability to chain supers and control the tempo of the match makes him a top-tier pick in modes like Showdown and Bounty. Sam’s Super not only deals massive damage but also pulls in enemies, setting them up for devastating follow-up attacks. His crowd control capabilities are unmatched, allowing him to dominate the battlefield and keep opponents at bay. Sam’s playstyle is all about maintaining momentum and keeping the pressure on the enemy, making him a perfect choice for players who love to dictate the flow of the game.

Pro Move: Use Sam’s Super to pull in key enemies during crucial moments, disrupting their plans and giving your team the upper hand.

A-Tier: Strong Brawlers in Brawl Stars, But Not Overpowered

4. Crow
Crow’s poison mechanic is a unique and powerful tool in Brawl Stars, making him an excellent choice for players who like to chip away at opponents over time. His poison not only deals damage but also prevents enemies from healing, which can be a game-changer in longer engagements. Crow’s high mobility allows him to dart in and out of combat, making him perfect for hit-and-run tactics. He’s especially effective in Showdown, where staying alive is key, and in Heist, where his ability to continuously harass opponents can keep them off the safe. Crow may not have the highest burst damage, but his ability to wear down enemies and control the battlefield makes him a top-tier contender for strategic players who value patience and positioning.

Pro Move: Use Crow’s poison to zone out enemies and control space. When opponents are weakened, swoop in with your Super to secure kills or escape when the heat gets too intense.

5. Belle
Belle is a sharpshooter who excels at long-range engagements, making her a formidable force in Bounty and Gem Grab. Her attacks are precise and deal significant damage, but it’s her Super that truly sets her apart. When Belle marks an enemy with her Super, that target takes extra damage from all sources, making even the tankiest brawlers vulnerable. This ability to mark high-priority targets can turn the tide of battle, especially in team-based modes where focusing down key enemies is crucial. Belle’s long-range attacks allow her to keep a safe distance while still being a major threat, making her an ideal pick for players who prefer strategic, calculated gameplay.

Pro Move: Prioritize marking tanky or high-value targets with Belle’s Super to amplify your team’s damage output. Position yourself in the backline to pick off enemies from a safe distance.

6. Spike
Spike is notorious for his area denial and burst damage, making him one of the most annoying brawlers to face. His primary attack covers a wide area, making it difficult for enemies to dodge, and his Super slows and damages opponents, trapping them in a deadly zone. Spike shines in modes like Siege and Gem Grab, where controlling specific areas of the map is crucial. His ability to zone out enemies and disrupt their positioning makes him a key asset in any team. While Spike’s low health can be a disadvantage, his high damage output and crowd control capabilities make up for it, solidifying his place in the A-tier for players who enjoy aggressive, tactical play.

Pro Move: Use Spike’s Super to trap multiple enemies in tight spaces or to cut off their escape routes. This not only deals damage but also sets up easy kills for your team.

B-Tier: Balanced Brawlers in Brawl Stars, With Potential

7. Tara
Tara’s Super remains one of the most game-changing abilities in Brawl Stars. Her ability to pull in multiple enemies at once can completely disrupt the opposing team’s formation, making her a formidable pick in team-based modes like Brawl Ball and Gem Grab. Tara’s primary attack, which releases three projectiles, is effective at mid-range and can pierce through multiple targets, dealing consistent damage. While her damage output might not be as high as some S or A-tier brawlers, her crowd control and ability to create opportunities for her team make her a valuable asset in the right hands. Tara excels when paired with teammates who can capitalize on the chaos she creates with her Super.

Pro Move: Hold onto Tara’s Super until the enemy team is grouped up, then unleash it to pull them all together. This sets up your team for a devastating follow-up attack, turning the tide of the battle.

8. Ruffs
Ruffs is a versatile support brawler who can boost his team’s power with his Super, dropping a supply crate that increases the damage and health of any teammate who picks it up. While Ruffs might not be the strongest brawler on his own, his ability to enhance his allies’ abilities makes him a valuable pick in team-based modes like Siege and Brawl Ball. His primary attack splits when it hits a wall, allowing for creative angles and area control. Ruffs excels in modes where team coordination is key, as his buffs can be the difference between a close win and a crushing defeat. He’s a solid B-tier choice for players who prefer a supportive, tactical role in battles.

Pro Move: Position Ruffs’ supply crate in a safe, accessible spot where your team can grab the buff without exposing themselves to enemy fire. Use his primary attack to control space and harass enemies from unexpected angles.

9. Rico
Rico is all about precision and map knowledge. His primary attack bounces off walls, allowing him to hit enemies hiding behind cover and control tight spaces. Rico’s ability to attack from unexpected angles makes him a strong pick in modes like Heist and Hot Zone, where controlling specific areas is key to victory. His Super is a powerful tool for clearing out enemies in narrow corridors or dealing massive damage to grouped-up opponents. While Rico’s low health makes him vulnerable in direct confrontations, his high damage output and the ability to hit enemies from tricky angles can turn the tide of battle. Rico is a brawler who rewards players with good aim and map awareness.

Pro Move: Learn the maps and practice bouncing Rico’s shots off walls to hit enemies around corners. Mastering his ricochet can lead to some seriously satisfying plays, especially in tight spaces where enemies think they’re safe.

C-Tier: Situational Brawlers in Brawl Stars

10. Frank
Frank is a tanky brawler with a massive health pool and powerful attacks that can stun enemies, making him a force to be reckoned with—if he can get close enough. His slow speed and long attack wind-up, however, make him susceptible to crowd control and kiting from faster, ranged brawlers. Frank excels in modes like Heist and Siege, where his high health allows him to soak up damage while his team focuses on objectives. His Super can stun multiple enemies at once, setting them up for big plays, but it requires precise timing and positioning to be effective. Frank is a situational pick that can dominate in the right scenarios but struggles in faster-paced modes.

Pro Move: Use Frank’s Super to stun multiple enemies during crucial moments, like when they’re grouped up around an objective. This can open up opportunities for your team to secure a win, especially in Heist or Siege.

11. Edgar
Edgar is a fast and mobile brawler who thrives on close-range combat. His main strength lies in his ability to heal himself with each attack, allowing him to sustain in fights and take down low-health enemies quickly. Edgar’s Super lets him leap over obstacles and close the gap on enemies, making him a dangerous assassin in modes like Showdown. However, his predictability and reliance on getting up close make him vulnerable to experienced players who know how to counter his jumps. Edgar is a brawler who shines in lower ranks but can struggle against more skilled opponents. He’s fun to play but requires smart positioning and timing to be truly effective.

Pro Move: Don’t jump in recklessly—wait for the right moment when your target is low on health or distracted. Timing your jump can be the difference between a highlight reel play and getting wrecked by an enemy who sees you coming.

12. El Primo
El Primo is a melee brawler who excels at close-range combat. His high health allows him to absorb a lot of damage, making him a strong frontliner in modes like Brawl Ball and Heist. El Primo’s Super lets him leap into the air and crash down on enemies, dealing damage and knocking them back. While he’s great at getting up close and personal, El Primo struggles against ranged brawlers who can kite him and whittle down his health before he can get within punching distance. He’s a solid pick for players who enjoy aggressive, in-your-face gameplay, but his lack of versatility keeps him from rising higher in the tier list.

Pro Move: Use El Primo’s Super to launch yourself into groups of enemies or to secure key objectives. Don’t be afraid to take risks, but make sure your team can follow up on your play to maximize its impact.

D-Tier: Not Worth Your Trophies in Brawl Stars

13. Dynamike
Dynamike is a high-damage thrower who excels at controlling large areas with his explosive dynamite sticks. However, his lack of mobility and vulnerability to fast, aggressive brawlers make him difficult to use effectively in higher ranks. Dynamike’s shots can be powerful, but they’re also easy to dodge, and he’s often outclassed by other throwers like Sprout or Barley, who offer more consistent damage and utility. While Dynamike can be a lot of fun to play, his high skill ceiling and reliance on perfect positioning make him a risky pick in competitive play. He’s best suited for players who enjoy the challenge of landing tricky shots but should be used with caution in higher-tier matches.

Pro Move: Use Dynamike’s long-range advantage to control the battlefield, but always be aware of your surroundings to avoid being flanked by fast brawlers. Position yourself in areas where you can rain down damage without being easily reached.

14. Jessie
Jessie has seen better days in Brawl Stars. Once a top pick for her ability to control crowds and support her team with her turret, Jessie’s damage output has fallen behind other brawlers in the current meta. Her attacks can chain between enemies, making her effective in crowd-control situations, but her low burst damage and reliance on her turret to be effective limit her usefulness in higher-tier play. Jessie is best used in niche situations where her turret can be placed in a safe spot to provide consistent support, but she struggles to keep up with the fast-paced meta of Brawl Stars. She’s a brawler that requires careful positioning and a strategic mindset but is outshined by other more versatile options.

Pro Move: Place Jessie’s turret in a location where it can cover key areas without being easily destroyed. Use it to control space and provide consistent pressure on the enemy team, but be ready to reposition it as the battle evolves.

15. Nani
Nani is a brawler with a high skill ceiling, relying heavily on precise aim and timing to be effective. Her attacks deal significant damage, but they require pinpoint accuracy, and her Super is difficult to control, making her less viable in competitive play. Nani excels in modes where she can safely line up her shots from a distance, but her reliance on perfect execution makes her a risky pick. Her low health and the need to stay at range limit her effectiveness in fast-paced modes, where other brawlers can outmaneuver her. While Nani can be rewarding for players who master her kit, she’s a brawler that requires a lot of practice and is better suited for niche situations rather than general play.

Pro Move: Use Nani’s Super to snipe key targets from across the map, but be prepared to bail out if things go south. Positioning and timing are critical, so plan your moves carefully to maximize your impact.

Top Brawl Stars Brawlers 2024: Complete Tier List and Pro Strategies for Every Game Mode
Top Brawl Stars Brawlers 2024: Complete Tier List and Pro Strategies for Every Game Mode

Game Mode Strategies: Best Brawlers for Every Brawl Stars Mode

In Brawl Stars, it’s not just about picking the best brawler—it’s about choosing the right brawler for the right mode. Each game mode has its own set of challenges and requires a different strategy to succeed. Here’s a breakdown of the best brawlers for each mode to help you maximize your wins and climb the ranks.

1. Gem Grab
Top Pick: Janet
In Gem Grab, controlling the center of the map is crucial. Janet’s high damage and ability to cover large areas with her aerial Super make her the ideal choice for holding down the middle and securing those precious gems. Pair her with a strong support brawler like Ruffs to boost her abilities and dominate the gem mine.

2. Showdown
Top Pick: Crow
Solo or duo, Showdown is all about survival. Crow’s poison attacks allow you to chip away at opponents from a distance, weakening them before moving in for the kill. His Super also provides a great escape option if you find yourself in a sticky situation.

3. Brawl Ball
Top Pick: Sam
In Brawl Ball, controlling the ball and clearing a path to the goal are key. Sam’s aggressive playstyle and crowd control abilities make him perfect for breaking through enemy defenses and scoring goals. Use his Super to pull in defenders and create openings for your teammates.

4. Heist
Top Pick: Spike
Heist is all about dealing damage to the enemy’s safe while protecting your own. Spike’s area denial and high burst damage make him an excellent choice for both offense and defense. Position his Super to slow down enemies trying to approach your safe, while chipping away at theirs from a distance.

5. Siege
Top Pick: Belle
In Siege, controlling the bolts and securing the robot is vital. Belle’s long-range attacks and the ability to mark key targets make her perfect for picking off enemy brawlers from a distance and securing those bolts. Her Super can also turn the tide during a robot push by making the enemy tank easier to take down.

6. Bounty
Top Pick: Tara
Bounty is all about getting kills without getting killed. Tara’s Super is perfect for setting up big plays by pulling in multiple enemies and allowing your team to finish them off. Pair her with a long-range brawler like Rico for maximum map control.

7. Hot Zone
Top Pick: Ruffs
Hot Zone requires you to control specific areas of the map. Ruffs’ supply drop can boost your teammates’ stats, giving you the edge in prolonged zone fights. His versatile attacks also help in keeping enemies at bay while you hold down the zones.

Balance Changes & Meta Shifts: How Brawl Stars Updates Impact the Tier List

Brawl Stars is constantly evolving, with Supercell frequently rolling out balance changes that can dramatically shift the game’s meta. Understanding how these updates affect your favorite brawlers is crucial for staying on top of the game. Here’s a look at some of the recent balance changes and how they’ve impacted the 2024 tier list.

1. Recent Buffs and Nerfs
Supercell loves to keep players on their toes by buffing and nerfing brawlers based on their performance in the meta. For example, Janet recently received a damage buff that solidified her spot in the S-tier, making her even more dominant in modes like Gem Grab and Brawl Ball. On the flip side, Crow’s poison damage was slightly reduced, which, while still leaving him in A-tier, has made him a bit less intimidating in Showdown.

2. New Brawlers and How They Fit In
With the release of new brawlers, the meta is always in flux. Take Chester, for instance—he burst onto the scene with his versatile supers, quickly rising to S-tier as players discovered his potential across multiple game modes. Keeping an eye on how new brawlers fit into the existing lineup is key to staying competitive.

3. Shifting Strategies
When a brawler is buffed or nerfed, it often leads to shifts in how players approach the game. For instance, with the recent nerf to tanks like Frank, we’ve seen a rise in long-range and control-based brawlers like Belle and Spike. Adapting your strategies to these shifts can give you an edge over opponents who are slow to adjust.

4. Predictions for the Future Meta
Looking ahead, it’s important to anticipate how future updates might shake things up. Based on recent trends, we might see more focus on buffing underused brawlers like Jessie or Nani, potentially moving them up the tier list. Additionally, new game modes or maps could introduce fresh dynamics that favor certain brawlers over others.

And that’s a wrap, Brawlers! With this Brawl Stars tier list for 2024, you’re all set to take your gameplay to the next level. Whether you’re climbing the ranks in Showdown, holding down the gem mine in Gem Grab, or scoring epic goals in Brawl Ball, you now know which brawlers are your go-to picks. Remember, the Brawl Stars meta is always shifting, so keep practicing, stay adaptable, and most importantly, have a blast while you’re at it! Got a favorite brawler that didn’t make the cut or a strategy that’s been crushing it for you? Drop your thoughts in the comments below—I’d love to hear how you’re slaying the competition.

Keep it locked on Woke Waves Magazine for more tips, tricks, and updates from the ever-evolving world of Brawl Stars. See you in the arena!

#BrawlStars #MobileGaming #TierList2024 #GameTips #Esports

Aug 23, 2024