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August 20, 2024 1:43 PM
⚡ Quick Vibes

As we step into 2024, a question that repeatedly surfaces in the minds of many, particularly the youth, is: Why, despite centuries of civilization and progress, do we still find ourselves grappling with the scourge of war? In an era marked by advanced technology and interconnectedness, the persistence of armed conflicts presents a paradox that warrants deeper understanding.

The Role of History and Geopolitics

To begin unraveling this, one must look into the annals of history and the complex tapestry of geopolitics. Wars, historically, have been instruments for resolving disputes over resources, territory, and power. In 2024, these traditional factors remain at play, albeit intertwined with modern dynamics. Territorial disputes, power struggles, and resource scarcity, especially in regions with oil, water, or strategic geographical importance, continue to be significant catalysts for conflict.

Economic Interests and the Military-Industrial Complex

Moreover, one cannot overlook the economic dimension of war. The military-industrial complex, a term coined decades ago, still holds relevance today. Countries with substantial arms industries often find themselves in a paradox where economic interests inadvertently promote conflict. The sale of arms becomes a lucrative business, and in some instances, a factor that perpetuates warfare.

Ideological Conflicts and Non-State Actors

The rise of non-state actors and ideological warfare adds another layer of complexity. Groups driven by ideological motives, often extreme, engage in conflicts that transcend national boundaries. These wars are not fought for territory but for ideological dominance, making them particularly challenging to resolve.

The Impact of Social Media and Misinformation

In today's digital age, the role of social media and misinformation in fueling conflicts cannot be understated. Social media platforms, while a tool for connectivity and awareness, can also become echo chambers that intensify ideological divisions and even incite violence. Misinformation campaigns have the power to rapidly escalate tensions, often leading to real-world consequences.

Global Governance and Diplomatic Challenges

The question of war also reflects on the state of global governance. International bodies like the United Nations are often hamstrung by the lack of consensus among major powers, making it challenging to address conflicts effectively. Diplomatic efforts are complicated by competing interests, historical enmities, and often a lack of will to find peaceful resolutions.

The Human Aspect: Fear, Prejudice, and the Desire for Dominance

At the core of war is the human element – fear, prejudice, and the desire for dominance. These primal instincts, when harnessed by leaders for political gain or when left unchecked, can lead to aggression and conflict. Understanding the psychological underpinnings of war is crucial to addressing its root causes.

The Path Forward: Education, Dialogue, and Technology

As we seek solutions, the role of education and dialogue in promoting peace cannot be overstated. Creating platforms for cross-cultural understanding and addressing prejudices can mitigate the fear that often leads to conflict. Additionally, technology, which has often been a tool in warfare, can also be a means for peace – through conflict resolution apps, peacekeeping drones, and enhanced communication channels for diplomacy.


In 2024, wars still exist due to a confluence of historical, geopolitical, economic, and psychological factors. However, the path to peace is not insurmountable. It requires a concerted effort to address the root causes, promote dialogue, and leverage technology for peaceful purposes. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the hope is that this interconnectedness will lead to a greater understanding and a shared commitment to a peaceful future.

Feb 1, 2024