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October 7, 2024 1:21 PM
⚡ Quick Vibes
  • Nobody Wants This explores the unlikely romance between an agnostic podcaster and a Jewish rabbi, showing that opposites attract and grow together.
  • The show highlights how love and relationships require compromise, communication, and navigating family pressures.
  • Through humor and heart, it teaches us that love isn’t about fitting a mold, but about embracing differences and evolving together.

[Cover picture by Stefania Rosini/Netflix]

What Nobody Wants This Teaches Us About Love, Faith, and Relationships

Netflix has done it again, folks! If you haven't heard the buzz about Nobody Wants This, then where have you been? Picture this: Kristen Bell plays Joanne, an outspoken dating podcaster who has zero time for religion. Enter Noah, a super chill yet slightly awkward rabbi (played by Adam Brody) who, despite their totally opposite vibes, seems to be exactly what she needs. Their love story kicks off with an awkward dinner party, some religious faux pas, and a hilarious misunderstanding involving a rabbi and a… let’s just say, unconventional gift. The chemistry? Fire. The banter? Hilarious. The lessons? Surprisingly deep. Whether you're here for the laughs, the love story, or to see if a rabbi can pull off being a modern-day heartthrob, this show has got it all. Ready to dive into some of the best takeaways from this quirky rom-com? Let’s break it down—Nobody Wants This style.

Here are 10 things we can learn from Nobody Wants This that might just change how you see relationships, religion, and modern-day romance:

1. Opposites Really Do Attract

Joanne is a chaotic, agnostic podcaster with zero religious ties, while Noah is a laid-back rabbi who’s all about tradition. You’d think their worlds would be too far apart to collide, but they show us that opposites not only attract, but they also balance each other out. Their differences are exactly what spark their chemistry and make their relationship interesting. In real life, finding someone who challenges your worldviews can lead to growth.

2. Family Pressure Is Real

Noah’s Jewish family is obsessed with him finding a “nice Jewish girl,” and Joanne’s chaotic, newly-divorced parents have their own set of expectations. The show hilariously explores how family dynamics can mess with your love life and pile on the pressure. The lesson? You can’t let family dictate your happiness, but you also can’t avoid the drama that comes with blending families and backgrounds.

3. Communication (or Lack of It) Will Make or Break You

So many of the show’s misunderstandings stem from poor communication—whether it’s Noah not explaining his religious obligations or Joanne’s fear of expressing her insecurities. It’s a reminder that being open and honest, even about the awkward stuff, is the only way to avoid major relationship blow-ups.

4. It's OK to Be Unsure

One of the recurring themes in Nobody Wants This is uncertainty, whether it’s Joanne questioning if she can really date a religious leader or Noah wondering if he can truly commit to someone outside his faith. The show makes it clear that it’s OK to have doubts and that love is about working through those doubts together. Sometimes, it’s the uncertainty that helps you figure out what you really want.

5. Compromise Isn't a Dirty Word

The entire premise of the show revolves around compromise—whether it’s religious traditions, family expectations, or even day-to-day decisions. Joanne and Noah show us that relationships aren’t about losing yourself; they’re about finding common ground. Learning to compromise without sacrificing your core values is key to any successful partnership.

6. Faith is More Than a Religious Label

While Nobody Wants This is lighthearted, it touches on the deeper concept of faith—not just in the religious sense, but in people. For Noah, faith is about tradition and community, but Joanne learns that faith can also mean trusting someone else enough to let them into your life. In real relationships, it’s not just about religious faith, but faith in each other.

7. You Don't Have to Fit a Mold to Be Loved

Joanne feels out of place in Noah’s traditional world and constantly worries that she’s not “good enough” to date a rabbi. But Nobody Wants This teaches us that you don’t have to fit someone else’s ideal to be loved. Authenticity is what ultimately brings people closer. Joanne’s flaws and quirks are exactly what make Noah fall for her.

8. Cultural Clashes Can Be Hilarious (and Insightful)

From Joanne gifting Noah’s mom a box of prosciutto (seriously, girl?) to Noah awkwardly trying to fit in with her chaotic family, the cultural misunderstandings are pure comedy gold. But they also highlight an important truth: learning about each other’s backgrounds can strengthen your connection and open your eyes to new perspectives. Plus, the show proves that laughter really is the best way to survive the most awkward moments.

9. You Don't Have to Change for Love, But You Might Want To

At one point, Noah asks Joanne if she’d consider converting to Judaism, and it sparks a whole debate about whether or not you should change for love. The takeaway? You should never feel pressured to change who you are for someone else, but if it’s a change you’re genuinely curious about and open to, it might be worth exploring. Change isn’t about losing yourself; it’s about evolving together.

10. Timing is Everything

The recurring theme of bad timing runs throughout Nobody Wants This—whether it’s Noah’s family drama, Joanne’s career moves, or just the chaos of their individual lives. The show reminds us that sometimes, love happens when you least expect it, and the timing might never feel “perfect.” But if it’s meant to be, you’ll find a way to make it work.

By the end of Nobody Wants This, you’ll be rooting for Joanne and Noah, not just because they’re cute together, but because they show us how love works when two worlds collide. Their journey proves that relationships don’t have to be perfect to be right—they just have to be real. Whether it’s Joanne’s awkward attempts at fitting in with Noah’s family or Noah learning to let go of certain traditions, the show reminds us that love is all about compromise, laughs, and plenty of missteps along the way. So, if you’re looking for a show that’s as heartwarming as it is hilarious, this one’s a must-watch.

Stay tuned to Woke Waves for more insights into the shows that shape our generation’s perspective on love, life, and everything in between!

#Netflix #Romcom #NobodyWantsThis #KristenBell #AdamBrody

Oct 7, 2024